Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Who Am I? Bodies, Souls and Identities

           What makes you you and not somebody else? Scientists, philosophers and theologians are trying to figure out the same thing. Memories can become lost over time or through traumatic experiences such as an aneurism or stroke, maybe even a specific event. So are you who you remember yourself to be? This can’t be true if these events take away memories. We change, grow and become different people and forget who we once were before these times of change. Personality couldn’t be the only determinate of whom we identify ourselves as.
            So is our “spirit” the source of who we are? Most of society would agree to this, that there is a soul trapped within our bodily flesh. Science, theology and philosophy don’t support this vast theory. Bodies have to matter to God. Jesus was born into flesh and dealt with events that every body must encounter. Paul points out that bodies matter because matter matters and perishable bodies are raised as spiritual bodies. Jesus identified himself through his bodily identity and who he was revealed how he was. Who he was as a body extended on into eternity.
            Our identity is not something that is functioned by brain chemistry or our soul trapped in our body, it is everything we have done in our bodily encounters that will move forward into eternity. We are our story. 

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