Tuesday, April 3, 2012

One Million Hijabs For Shaima Alawadi: Women Wear Hijabs In Support Of Slain Iraqi Woman

Like Trayvon Martin, Shaima Alawadi was killed for the way she looked. Sadly this is becoming more prominent in our society and now people are finally doing something about it. Shaima was an immigrant from Iraq, who like most Islamic women, wore a hijab. On the morning of March 24, 2012, Alawadi took her last breath, fighting for life for nearly two days preceding from being beaten because she was Islamic. It is said that the crime was a hate crime and her killer has not been found yet. With current prejudice against muslims in America, it's hard to find a way to make it come to an end. People are trying their best. Scared that this hate crime will be swept under the rug, US citizens are coming together to wear a hijab not only to remind people of what had happened, but to get a personal experience wearing one and finding out what it's like to be in the shoes of someone who wears a hijab. People who have already done it, said that it amazed them the looks that they got. It just goes to show what we need to continue to fix in our society. 

To read the full article, click Here.

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